
I use the o-jasper github account, with various stuff in various stages of development or abandonment. Should be fairly clear which is which, if not, ask.

Quite a PITA that none of the programming languages is perfect. I have basically given up on that and decided to stick with ‘good’ ones. Basically,

Good ones, for me, play nice with “the unix way” of doing things, interoperability of libraries. Next to the language itself being good.

Right now, (12-2016) i am mainly working on lua based protype based an evolved version of this idea, and a bit 3d-printing.

Lua stuff

This started writing stuff for Luakit trying to better control my browser. Later on, i changed a lot of it to use userscripts instead.

One part was to keep my own bookmarks/notes better, but it also helps mirror all my browsing,(does a poor job at CSS/images) gives a much of commands, like pointing mpv or wget at an url, Storing stuff by-domain and bookmarking is more convenient than downloading it and then organizing the files myself.

Listing things, like bookmarks needed a database and i wanted to be able to search it, and show the lists. I also wanted to eventually share it with others one route might be Tox, which is why i wrote this FFI.


I wrote an assurance contract, a ‘grudge escrow’, aswel as the current Bitvote contract, however these are all still PoC6 and still need to be upgraded.

Also figured the idea of Hanging Blocks, though that is not really that new. Perhaps a better name is ‘auditable’ blocks. Made some merkle tree stuff for it, but probably best if can get a general Ethereum VM working with it.

Various physibles

3D Printable things designed with openscad, Some of the ones i made a nicer presentation are here (still older version of this site).

Some povray stuff

Drawing planets(surfaces)/asteroids.(Tarball)

A generated asteroid A generated planet Another generated planet
Surface thereof planet

Writings in Julia

I liked this one, because it is a lisp, much more active than Common Lisp, does function overloading a lot better than CL. Also, Common Lisp itself is a bit messy and Julia is not.

It lacking classes is also a plus point imo.

Julia FFI

Foreign function interface allowing C functions to be used in Julia. Principally a macro; get_c that makes it easy. Thanks to Robert Ennis it might get used more.

It also attempted to parse the C(header) for the user and FFI it automatically.

Physical Map

Octtree, applied to Constructive Solid Geometry(CSG), and other things. Probably doesnt function anymore, not without poking it.

Perhaps technology like from voxel games can be used to ‘map the world’. That was my interest. But then i noticed that i could do CSG and try make a thingy to make 3d-objects with.

Various Julia projects (mostly defunct)

Julia-glplot various 2d plots, including histogramming and real time in somewhat fancy (informative)ways.

Particle_tree tries to simulate high energy photons and electrons hitting matter.

Pathfind Uses Dijkstras algorithm. (thats A* if i got the ‘heuristic’ right) Later own did in python too.(here)

Writings in Common Lisp

Expression-hook reads at least most common lisp and had a ‘hook’ -a function you could insert- that sees every expression in it.

It also had expression-scan that uses that hook to get information like dependency of functions and packages relative to each other. It had autodocumentation, and ‘autopackaging’ that makes things asdf systems. (all the CL code is autopackaged)

parse-c-header ‘ancestor’ and analogue of Julia-FFI.

cl-command-line-wrappers, FFIs commandline arguments for wmctrl, iwlist scanning .., pinot-search, ps and top. (to various extents)

j-basic various library-like things. Regular-tree, and destructuring-regex seem the most interesting.

Various things

Various stuff that i didnt think needed to have their own entry.

en-morse text to morse code, morse code to morse code sound. Morse code to text conspicuously missing. (Very poorly tested)

hashtable, hash table and s-expression(nested lists) parser.

relax, solves the laplace equation using the relaxation method. For instance for electrostatic potentials, but i suppose it could be extended to waves. It uses doubling of resolution to work pretty quickly. This is an idea for the future of physical_map.

prog-select, C program that uses gtk to select a command, it lists commands based on what is typed, with the most used most prominent. There already exist much better programs that do the same.

dotbin, some shell scripts i use for (desktop)convenience.

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